Akin to finding money in the street.

The Cricket World Cup has started. I enjoy watching the cricket. I was particularly interested to hear that the betting opportunities are so good that it's, and I quote, "akin to finding money in the street."  If you want to hear more of these opportunities then follow top Twitter tweeter @FegBizet It's not just exclusively Cricket from him, there's a broad overview of sports opinion that puts many a pundit to shame.

Back to cricket. If you are still reading that is! For a good introduction and overview then this video from Dougie Anderson, co-written by the fantastic Miles Jupp, is worth checking out. Even if you don't like cricket.

If pop music both entertains and annoys you then head over to Popjustice. This is akin to finding humour on every street. Great observations if the pavement cracks on the street are Lady Gaga and Britney.

Right, off.